


With a naturescapes playground, extensive school gardens, being in close proximity to Mount Majura and a supportive and committed parent community,  sustainability is an integral part of learning at Majura Primary School. Sustainable patterns of living meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Opportunities are provided throughout the year for students to take part in extra curricular activities based around national and international environmental days of importance.

Belief statement:

At Majura Primary School we believe our community of students and families can generate change for a positive sustainable future. Students learn how to grow and cook food through a well established Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program. Two sustainability teachers work with classes from Preschool to year 2 on a weekly basis teaching Environmental Science using achievement standards from the Australian Curriculum. Students in years 3-6 have opportunities to identify environmental issues in their local environment, study these and implement change to improve the environment through class activities and involvement in a lunchtime Student Environment Action Group.


  • Everyday Climate Choices

Initiatives to help all schools take small steps towards climate action. Water, waste and energy are areas where schools can help save the planet. See how schools across the ACT are improving their sustainability. Find support, resources and pitch for funding.

  • Sustaining Community

Significant international and Australian national days/weeks that focus on environmental issues for 2023.

  • Birdlife Australia

Birds in Schools is an environmental education project designed by BirdLife Australia and its Urban Birds Program. It teaches students to identify and monitor birds, explore their habitats and ultimately take action for local birdlife.

Our Sustainability Team

Learning about compost and exploring our worm farm

Many students ride to school

Examples of student's work