At Majura Primary School
We are committed to developing you from whatever stage you are at now – we trust the research which says the most powerful professional learning occurs within school; there will be opportunities for outside PL when it supports your professional growth.
You can expect to engage in:
- Teacher-led Professional Learning Communities
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Opportunities to lead school improvement through Project Teams
- Self-assessment of your practice using the AITSL Teacher Professional Standards linked to personal professional goal setting
- Developing your restorative practice skills through our partnership with Real School
- Using the Teacher Professional Development plans to identify goals focussing on your individual areas of professional growth.
We believe that school improvement is the role of everyone; we are committed to our personal responsibility to work towards the same vision. Our teachers and school leaders can articulate their professional beliefs and why they teach/lead the way they do.
You can expect to engage in:
- Writing a personal belief statement
- Demonstrating how your beliefs are reflected in practice
- Strengthening the PLCs and the Spirals of Inquiries to meet the needs of the students in your cohort
- Developing and enacting school beliefs about learning, the role of students, parents, staff and the wider community.
We want our students to understand that it’s them doing the learning – it’s not something that’s done to them; we encourage our students to problem solve, be creative and collaborate.
You can expect to engage in:
- Supporting students to develop personal learning goals, initially in literacy and numeracy, but can be wider than this
- Supporting students in the self-reflection process
- Making the learning visible; stating your learning intentions and success criteria for your lessons
- Using teacher to teacher, student to student and student to teacher feedback as a way of measuring your and the students’ success
- Creating real world opportunities for students to connect classroom learning to the outside world, and be agents of change
- Using digital technology to enhance student learning.
Our parents are highly engaged and committed to the school and the Watson/Downer community. They encourage the school learning program to reflect the aspirations of the community. Both the School Board and the P&C are very active and want to be involved in high level decision making around school improvement, processes and facilities. The fundraising work they do is amazing, and they happily contribute to the school’s identified needs. Our parents thrive on clear and regular communication both from their child’s teacher and the school as a whole.
You can expect to engage in:
- A ‘Getting to Know You’ interview with parents at the start of the year
- Establishing and maintaining a range of communication channels with parents
- Working with parents in the education process; for example, involving parents and students in the formation of ILPs
- Learning Conversations with students and parents
- Using SeeSaw as a platform for sharing student work with parents
- Asking parents to share their special skills and talents here at school
- Inviting parents to help in the classroom.
We believe that education is about supporting all facets of a child’s development; we look for meaningful and ‘real world’ opportunities for students to contribute to the culture of the school and the community.
You can expect to support students in:
- Understanding and practising our values based approach to self-management
- Facilitating their social and emotional learning
- Advocating for the voice of all students through the Student Parliament
- Leading environmental sustainability through the Environmental Action group
- Realising their potential through sporting, academic, and performing and visual arts opportunities.
- Encouraging student participation in our school and community focus on sustainability.
We work in a 60 year old building that reflects the style and pedagogical practices of the 1960s; we look for opportunities to utilise the resources to enhance collaboration in teaching and learning. We value the importance of the school space to ourselves, our students and our parents. We are about to engage in a 5 year expansion and modernisation program on the K-6 site to cater for our increasing enrolments and 21st Century pedagogical practices.
You can expect to engage in:
- Team planning
- Team teaching
- Movement between and collaboration on both school sites
- Using the building works as a springboard for learning and teaching
- Maintaining a well presented & respected learning environment of which we are proud.
We know that working in schools is a demanding job; it takes a lot of energy and passion.
We expect you to:
- Appreciate everyone’s role and contribution
- Support colleagues
- Bring your passion for teaching to school every day
- Be accountable to yourself, your peers, students & families.