
At Majura Primary SchoolMajura Primary

We are committed to developing you from whatever stage you are at now – we trust the research which says the most powerful professional learning occurs within school; there will be opportunities for outside PL when it supports your professional growth.

You can expect to engage in:

We believe that school improvement is the role of everyone; we are committed to our personal responsibility to work towards the same vision. Our teachers and school leaders can articulate their professional beliefs and why they teach/lead the way they do.

You can expect to engage in:

We want our students to understand that it’s them doing the learning – it’s not something that’s done to them; we encourage our students to problem solve, be creative and collaborate.

You can expect to engage in:

Indigenous artwork in school foyer

Our parents are highly engaged and committed to the school and the Watson/Downer community. They encourage the school learning program to reflect the aspirations of the community. Both the School Board and the P&C are very active and want to be involved in high level decision making around school improvement, processes and facilities. The fundraising work they do is amazing, and they happily contribute to the school’s identified needs. Our parents thrive on clear and regular communication both from their child’s teacher and the school as a whole.

You can expect to engage in:

We believe that education is about supporting all facets of a child’s development; we look for meaningful and ‘real world’ opportunities for students to contribute to the culture of the school and the community.

You can expect to support students in:

We work in a 60 year old building that reflects the style and pedagogical practices of the 1960s; we look for opportunities to utilise the resources to enhance collaboration in teaching and learning. We value the importance of the school space to ourselves, our students and our parents. We are about to engage in a 5 year expansion and modernisation program on the K-6 site to cater for our increasing enrolments and 21st Century pedagogical practices.

You can expect to engage in:

A close up of a plant at the front of the school

We know that working in schools is a demanding job; it takes a lot of energy and passion.

We expect you to: